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Welcome to The Homeschool Hub

The premier information platform for South Africa's growing homeschool community.

For homeschoolers, by homeschoolers

Built and maintained by homeschool parents Caleb & Elbie Koenig, The Homeschool Hub aims to provide a content-rich, easy to navigate platform for anyone interested in educating their children outisde of the mainstream school system to find inspiration, information and useful resources. Browse categories below to get started!

Want a listing with us?

We receive requests weekly from homeschoolers looking for learning centres near them. For one low fee, list your learning centre or cottage school on our platform and gain exposure to thousands of eyes looking for what you have to offer in their local area (or for online!).

Curriculum providers looking for a digital booth on our Curricula Directory page can also find all the info they might need.

get listed

Are you looking for a cottage school,  learning centre, tutor or want to see some of the best curricula offered in SA?

Check out the options below to quickly find what you're looking for, and get on the right track from "go"!

The Journey

Considering homeschooling but not sure where to start? Use this tool to help guide you down the path that's best suited for your unique educational needs.

If you know more or less what you're looking for, here are some quick links to resources listed on the Journey pages:

THH Curricula Directory

The best place to explore curriculum options available in SA, covering everything from CAPS, the classical method, Charlotte Mason, online schooling, unit studies, traditional and more.

THH blog

The place where the rubber meets the road: read stories and other practical content from consultants, providers, homeschool veterans and other home-educating people just like you!

The Legalities

Find out what your rights are as a homeschool parent and have the opportunity to explore whether or not it's necessary to register with the National Department of Basic Education (DBE).

read your rights

Join us

If you're a curriculum or resource provider, a potential sponsor or basically anyone who provides a service to the homeschool community and wants to partner with us, this page is the place for you.

Happenings for Homeschoolers

The bulletin board for The Homeschool Hub listing events, webinars, expos, and functions relevant to homeschoolers. Some events are online and accessible to all, while others may be physical events accessible to local homeschoolers or those willing to travel.

THH Radio

new episode each friday

Providing South African homeschoolers with useful, interesting content to help and inspire them on their homeschool journey.

Keeping you informed.


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When you sign up, you are added to our list of contacts to receive updates directly related to the The Homeschool Hub ONLY and your information is NOT shared with any curriculum provider, service or third party at all. We will never spam you and you can unsubscribe at any time.

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